
Call for Abstracts Guidelines

The local organising committee is delighted to announce the call for abstracts for SEAADE 2024: 35th Annual Scientific Conference, themed “Embracing IR 5.0: Bridging Dental Education and Oral Health Care Services”, focuses the pivotal role of innovation in reshaping the landscape of dental education. We invite submissions of abstracts for oral and poster presentations in the following research categories:

  • Technology Enhanced Learning
  • Simulation in Dental Education
  • Assessment in Dental Education
  • Curriculum Design
  • Community Engagement through Dental Education
  • Teaching and Learning Pedagogy and Methods (supported by RCSEd)

The oral and poster presentation provides a platform for educators and healthcare providers to interact with like-minded peers, exchange ideas, and inspire each other to transform dental education in alignment with innovations and technological advancements. The research areas outlined above reflect SEAADE's objectives, and awards await the top presentations.

Oral Presentations:

Presenters will be allotted 10 minutes to deliver their research work, followed by a 5-minute Question-and-Answer (Q&A) session from the audience and a panel of judges for the educators and healthcare providers who opted to enter the competition.

Poster Presentations:

Posters will be exhibited for delegates to view on the designated day. During the poster presentation session, presenters are required to be present by their posters to engage in Question-and-Answer session with the participants. Additionally, presenters who choose to compete will have 5 minutes to present their research work, followed by a 5-minute Q&A session with a panel of judges.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Manuscripts have not been published elsewhere
  • Title: Should be no more than 10 words and typed in capital
  • Abstract Text: Maximum 250 words, including Introduction, Methods, Results, and Conclusion.
  • Keywords: Up to 5 keywords.
  • Preferred Presentation Mode: Indicate your preference for oral or poster presentation (Please note that if the number of submissions is skewed towards one type of presentation, the organizers reserve the right to choose the mode of presentation).
  • Abstract Template: Click here to download.

Important Dates:

  • Abstract Submission Deadline: 15th September 2024
  • Notification of Acceptance: 30th September 2024

Submission Process:

  • Fill out the abstract submission form with your details and upload your abstract
  • Ensure all authors and affiliations are correctly listed.
  • Upload your abstract file in PDF or Word format.

Review Process:

All submitted abstracts will undergo a peer-review process by the scientific committee. Notifications of acceptance will be sent via email by 30th September 2024.

Important Note to Presenters:

Please ensure that the work presented in your abstract is your own and has not been plagiarised from any other source. If your abstract is accepted, you are expected to register for the conference and present your work. Additionally, you must comply with all the guidelines and deadlines set by the conference organiser.

Contact Information:

For any queries or further assistance, please contact us at